It allows you to store any text online for easy sharing. The idea behind the script is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of text online.
- Bootstrap 4+
- Simple & responsive interface
- Material Design
- Easy install
- 150+ different syntax languages
- 7+ Syntax Highlighting Skins for PrismJS (default, dark, coy, okadia, funky, solarized light, tomorrow night, twilight)
- 25+ Syntax Highlighting Skins for Ace Syntax Highlighter
- Ace Editor / Code Mirror
- Paste Folders
- Password protected pastes
- Encrypted pastes
- Unlisted pastes
- Private pastes
- Paste expiration system
- Self destroy pastes
- Daily paste limit for authorized and unauthorized users
- Share pastes on social network
- Embed, download, print pastes
- Clone pastes
- Report explicit pastes
- Socialite (Facebook/Twitter/Google Social login)
- Multi-language support
- Facebook/Disqus comment system
- Re-captcha protection
- AdBlocks – Ad management for advertisement
- SEO friendly URLs
- Ad block detection
- Load files feature
- Auto generated sitemaps
- Spam protection
- User management
- Admin panel to manage pastes, syntax, users, comments, pages, languages, translations & other settings
- User profile page
- Trending pastes page (day, week, month, year)
- QR Code for share
- Site & Paste page layouts
- No Captcha for logged in users feature
- 5 Different Color skins
- Auto approve user feature
- Time restriction feature to restrict between paste creation
- and many more.