Fashion SAAS – eCommerce Website Builder For Online Business


It is a powerful and user-friendly platform that can help fashion businesses quickly set up and manage their online store, and expand their sales by allowing other vendors to sell on their platform.

What to expect from Multi Vendor SaaS eCommerce Business Website Builder

  • It offers 2 dashboards, both for the back and front end. It helps in the easy understanding of useful information
  • Easy to manage storefront by listing products and categories
  • Ease in creating tax and assigning rates to them
  • Multi 10 themes with dynamic different color options
  • It offers a complete order summary of any given order
  • The store view on the front end allows the users to enjoy their shopping process
  • Full White Label Store Setting
  • Payment gateways for secured payments
  • Whatsapp order Integration
  • Email order notification to vendor
  • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
  • Any of the plans payments can be done using 9 diverse payment gateways namely (COD, Razorpay, Stripe, Paystack, Flutterwave, Paypal, Marcadopago, My Fatoorah, ToyyibPay, Bank Transfer)
  • Built with Laravel 9

Main Admin Dashboard Feature

  • Power Full Admin Dashboard.
  • 10 Theme Selection Option.
  • Vendor Management.
  • Direct Customer Login Option.
  • Direct Customer Website Show Option.
  • Customer Website Status Option (Active / Inactive)
  • Customer Management
  • Customer Status Option (Active / Inactive)
  • Subscription Plans Management (1 Month, 3 Month, 6 Month, 1 Year, LifeTime)
  • Subscription Plans Status Option (Active / Inactive)
  • Multiple Payment Getaway Management (COD, Razorpay, Stripe, Paystack, Flutterwave, Paypal, Marcadopago, My Fatoorah, ToyyibPay, Bank Transfer)
  • Payment Getaway Status Option (ON / OFF)
  • Subscription Plan Payment Transaction Management
  • Location Management (Country & City)
  • Location Status Option (Active / Inactive)
  • Custom Domain Management
  • Custom Domain Status Option (Active / Inactive)
  • Landing Page Management
  • Admin Profile Management
  • SEO Management
  • Basic Settings
  • Maintenance Mode Management (ON / OFF)
  • Currency Change Option
  • Currency Position Change Option
  • Time Zone Selection Option
  • Admin Edit Profile Option
  • Admin Change Password Option
  • Admin SEO Management
  • Custom Domain Settings
  • Google Analytics Settings
  • Landing Page Settings (Color, Logo, Social Links, Email, Mobile)
  • Multiple Language Management
  • Language Default Option
  • Powerful Add-ons Management

Vendor Dashboard Main Feature

  • Powerful Unique Design
  • Powerful Vendor Dashboard
  • 10 Theme Selection Option
  • Order Management
  • Report Management
  • Customer Management
  • Multiple Payment Getaway Management (COD, Razorpay, Stripe, Paystack, Flutterwave, Paypal, Marcadopago, My Fatoorah, ToyyibPay, Bank Transfer)
  • Subscription Plan Payment Transaction Management
  • Shipping Areas Management
  • Working Hours Management (Minutes / Hourly)
  • Custom Domain Management
  • Google Analytics Management
  • Categories Management
  • Product Management
  • Marketing Banner Management
  • Coupons Management
  • Blogs Management
  • Email Subscription Management
  • Inquire Management
  • CMS Pages Management
  • Share Store QR Code To Customers
  • Maintenance Mode Management (ON / OFF)
  • Customer Login (ON / OFF)
  • Currency Change Option
  • Currency Position Change Option
  • Time Zone Selection Option
  • Website Personalised link option
  • Delivery type Selection Option
  • Social Medial Links Option
  • Footer Features Option
  • Website Banner Option
  • Landing Page Cover Banner Option
  • Sound Notification Selection Option
  • Multiple Theme Options
  • Themes Unlimited Color Option
  • Themes Logo & Favicon Option
  • Send order To WhatsApp Message Settings
  • WhatsApp Add Option
  • Vendor Edit Profile Option
  • Vendor Change Password Option
  • Vendor SEO Management
  • Back to Admin Option
  • View Store Option

Additional information

Software Framework

Laravel – PHP, MySQL, Native Android, Java

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux

