This is Flexible, Powerful and Reliable video/photo gallery sharing & hosting platform, you can now easily create Highly Profitable adult tube websites.
Responsive Template
Core Key Features
- users can upload videos (more than 20 formats available)
- upload progress bar for video uploads
- users can view video live (live streaming)
- users can comment on videos (spam protection) (via ajax) (comments ajax pagination)
- users can flag videos (via ajax)
- users can rate videos (via ajax)
- users can embed videos
- users can share videos (via ajax)
- users can view related videos (via ajax)
- videos page sorted by timeline, category and type (private/public)
Backend (Administration Panel)
- grab videos from 8 major porn sites
- manage videos (delete/approve/suspend/feature/unfeature/edit)
- manage video comments
- manage spam and flagged videos
Photo Galleries
- users can upload photos and organize photos in photo albums (jpg, gif and png)
- users can comment on photos (spam protection) (via ajax) (comments ajax pagination)
- users can flag photos (via ajax)
- users can rate photos (via ajax)
- users can share photos (via ajax)
- users can view photo album slideshows
Backend (Administration Panel)
- manage photos and albums (delete/approve/suspend)
- manage photo comments
- manage spam and flagged photos
- users can upload porn games (swf extension)
- users can play porn games
- users can comment games
- users can rate games
- users can share games
Backend (Administration Panel)
- manage games (delete/approve/suspend/edit)
- manage game comments
- manage spam and flagged games
- users can create blogs
- users can embed photos and videos on their blog (via ajax)
- users can comment blogs (via ajax)
Backend (Administration Panel)
- manage blogs (delete/approve/suspend/edit)
- manage blog comments
- community page
- users have their personal profile page
- users can configure what to be listed on their profile page
- users can configure what emails to receive
- users can invite friends (via ajax)
- users can comment on other users profile (via ajax)
- users can send messages to other users
- users can report other users (via ajax)
- users can subscribe to other users
- users can edit their profile
- users can upload and crop a avatar
- users can easily approve/reject friends
- users can monitor other users actions (when they upload videos/photos/games/blogs)
- user wall
- users ordered by gender
Backend (Administration Panel)
- manage users (add/delete/suspend/edit)
- email users (or mass email)
- advanced search (users can customize the search results) (via ajax)
- users can search videos, photos, games and other users
Admin Blog / Announcements
- admins can create a blog / news / announcements section on the website
- user can comment on the admin blog / news / announcements
- admin can receive emails from visitors through the support / feedback page
- category page
- for each category, a category cover image can be displayed, or its latest videos (ajax)
Backend (Administration Panel)
- manage categories (add/delete/edit)
- over 20 advertising spots throughout the website
- rotating ads (advertising groups)
- pre/post roll video/image/flash ads in the video player
- text ads in video player during playback (at the bottom)
Administration Panel
- ability to control every aspect of the site
- configure mail settings (php mail, sendmail or smtp server)
- configure video conversion settings (for SD, HD and mobile)
- edit static pages (preview via ajax)
- edit email templates
- configure video player
- limit guest visitors bandwidth / access
- system check (check folder permissions and required codecs)
- media settings (configure maximum upload size allowed and video formats allowed)
- enable/disable photo galleries, games and blogs modules
- enable/disable email verification
- enable/disable video, games, photo, user comments
- select rating by ip or by user
- select sessions driver (database/files)
- optimized database structure and queries for a super-fast website
- clean code (can be easily customized)
- secure code (input filtering)
- search engine friendly URLs (SEO)
- video conversion / encoding done in background processes
- smarty template engine with easy template switch from admin panel
- multi-language system with language files
- spam protection (recaptcha / keycaptcha / areyouhuman integrations, comment anti-flood protection)